December 30, 2010
Extented 'Water for Elephants' trailer
Via LionandLambLove
'Breaking Dawn' new pictures by Glamour Magazine

Via Twilight News
Jackson Rathbone for Movieweb - 'Breaking Dawn'
Via Twilight News
Full article - Movieweb
Jackson Rathbone about 'Aim High' - interview
Via TwilightNews
Check out full cast of 'Aim High' here
Full article - Movieweb
December 28, 2010
What did Rob Pattinson do in London Pub on Christmas Eve - Picture

Thanks to FlippyStew we got this picture sided on Confessions of TwiCrack Addict with a note from FlippyStew:
It’s from tonight, it’s London, about an hour ago (thats about 00.30 in London) N (the one on the right) spoke to him for about 40 mins, shook his hand, got a ciggie from him (she doesn’t smoke) and he KISSED her cheek! - Carol Saxon
December 26, 2010
'Breaking Dawn' - New Peek
Via Lion & Lamb Love
December 25, 2010
December 24, 2010
Merry Christmas Twilighters!

I haven't been here for a while. Sorry. But I'd like to wish you Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
I hope you all gonna be happy with Breaking Dawn movie (me too, of course), enjoy every picture of Robert and every single minute of his new movies! I'd like to wish you a lot of Twilight merch under your christmas tree! And actually I'd like to wish us all a lot of patience! Or a miracle that will give us Breaking Dawn earilier.
Anyway I love you all!
(I hope you like these pictures :D)
December 21, 2010
December 08, 2010
Kristen Stewart for ELLE UK
"Kristen Stewart has reality fright. On-screen, her unleashed energy captivates and her face offers no unfortunate angles. But off-screen, her discomfort is palpable. In her endearingly unpolished public appearances, she fidgets, scratches, runs her fingers through her hair, and generally bungles her words. (Who can forget her audible throat clearing at the Academy Awards?) Her awkwardness seems to arise from a profound distrust of the media, the limelight, and especially of her considerable recent success as the female lead of the billion-dollar-grossing Twilight movie series. Still, uneasiness this extreme is surprising in an actor, someone who has signed up for a lifetime of being watched."
November 26, 2010
November 20, 2010
'Eclipse' DVD Spot
There's Eclipse DVD Spot and it's awesome.
'Breaking Dawn' New Pictures
'Coz, I haven't been here for a while. I've been really busy with school last weeks and I still am. But I have a moment now so...
There are some new pictures of Kristen & Robert filming Breaking Dawn.
November 01, 2010
Kristen Stewart: Breaking Dawn Script is 'Really Good'
"It's odd because [going back to set] feels the same, yet it's different because we all know that it is over," Kristen said. "It's so not over yet, either. We have the hugest job that we've had almost like all along."
Other than the fact feathers are definitely included in "Part 1," Kristen didn't give too many plot details away—even though she, Robert Pattinson and Taylor Lautner have done a complete script read-through of the first installment.
"To be honest, [the script is] never very striking, only because I know it," Kristen said. "You read it until you get to the last page just hoping that it doesn't let you down, going, 'Okay yeah, yeah, yeah, that's what I got too, mm hmm, that's what I got.' It's really good. It's like, I don't know, it's very solid."
Via Hollywood Crush
October 20, 2010
October 19, 2010
Twilight Stars on TV
Check them out !
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Apology11 years ago
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