November 05, 2009

Rachelle for Gotham Magazine

With long, curly red hair, porcelain skin and a loud, infectious laugh, actress Rachelle Lefevre is hard to overlook. But until she appeared as the bitchy bloodsucker Victoria in the 2008 smash hit Twilight, she'd been a relative unknown. Now with the hotly anticipated second film in the series, The Twilight Saga: New Moon, hitting theaters November 20 and two more films in the works, Lefevre is about to find herself in the glare of the spotlight.

"When I first got to LA, everybody said I was too 'girl-next-door' for edgier roles," she says. "I ended up playing a stripper, an escort, a vampire and an off-her-rocker troubled poet. I keep playing roles that are not even close to the girl next door."

While Lefevre's upcoming projects will certainly keep her from being typecast, they also give the actress a chance to walk a mile in some very different shoes. In Barney's Version, she plays the manic-depressive, hippie-poet first wife of costar Paul Giamatti. In Casino Jack, she's a Washington, DC, power player (opposite Kevin Spacey and Jon Lovitz), a character that's based on real life press secretary Emily Miller.

"We'd gotten the suits together and [when we went] shopping for shoes, I bought these intensely spiky Fendi and Christian Dior stilettos," says Lefevre. "I felt she was a little bit 'vanity first,' and it helped me find her as a character. And I do that without judgment— depending on how you grow up and the circles you move in, you value different things, and I saw her as valuing really good heels."

When she's not on set, the 30-year-old Montreal native prefers J Brand jeans, tees, boots, blazers and a signature piece of chunky jewelry. Her last fashion splurge: a gray patent leather Chloé Eloise bag. And while she’ll also cop to Balmain and Stella McCartney obsessions, it’s at New York City's myriad vintage stores, including Cadillac's Castle and Zachary's Smile, that she gets her best retail therapy.

However, dressing up for Gotham's fashion shoot gave the actress a whole new appreciation for modern design.

"There's quite a difference between putting on a regular dress and a dress that has a bodice built into it, and boning and all this invisible stuff underneath," she says. "I literally had a different body in these dresses. They're designed to physically make you, from the neck down, a better woman."

Via Gotham Magazine

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November 04, 2009

Kris & Rob photoshot for Harpers Bazaar

Robert Pattinson & Kristen Stewart Wild Ride

With Twilight, the young actors found themselves thrust into the spotlight. Now, while their characters are torn apart in New Moon, they couldn't be closer.

Rob Pattinson's and Kristen Stewart's rooms sit side by side on the thirtysomethingth floor of the Sheraton hotel in Vancouver ("the Couve," as Kristen calls it), where they are filming Eclipse, the third installment of the Twilight saga. They spend a lot of time in their rooms in the sky -- two Rapunzels of sorts entertaining themselves behind closed doors -- because it's really, really hard to go out. "There are like 15 different exits in this place," observes Kristen of the tactics she and the rest of the Twilight cast use to avoid the paparazzi. She adds, "Rob is more frustrated with it, but he's 23 and I'm 19. He had a couple more years to be an adult and to be independent, whereas just as I was getting to the age when it's normal to go out by yourself ..." She pauses. "But it's boring because this is all I fucking talk about."

Rob talks about it too. "Do you mind if we sit outside?" he asks as he stands in his hotel room, looking longingly out the window. "I need some air." It's a cold, gray day, but who is to deny him some freedom? (And chivalry is not dead, girls. A young man will still lend you his jacket. Maybe because he is British.) Rob doesn't just face paparazzi, he gets clawing, shrieking girls too. New Yorkers may remember he was clipped by a cab while fleeing from the ladies on the set of Remember Me this past summer. "But at least that's an experience, something new," he says. "If it's just screaming -- and I know this sounds so ridiculous -- that gets old. But sometimes when there's literal chaos, it's like being in a war zone, and that's kind of exciting. You're just running through the crowd of people chasing after you and no one knows what's going on." Rob has laid low for a few days -- a disturbance in the Force so great that Perez Hilton (home of some of Rob's 15,200,000 Google hits) felt compelled to post, "Where is R-Patz?!" "If I'm not out, I've had a heroin overdose," Rob observes. "It's one thing or another."

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